My practice, as a psychotherapist and as a teacher, is the cultivation of the inner witness within the intimate space of relationship. The inner witness is one way of understanding the development of consciousness. With both clients and students, I seek to spark and/or nourish inner inquiry, through the concentration practice of deep listening, and through reflective articulation of inner experience.
Over time, with consistency and a bit of good fortune, deep listening and reflective articulation may open towards clear seeing and intuitive knowing. The self may become more fully known, the living landscape of other beings around us may be more clearly seen, a path in the world may be further clarified.
As we stand firmly on the edge of the unknown where mystery becomes a valued companion, we may find ourselves more deeply grounded in our unique individual bodies, in the specific life we were given. As we practice the art of listening internally, we may receive the gifts of a silence that is the antithesis of being silenced, and a stillness that is the antithesis of being bound — a silence and a stillness that equate with freedom.
– Bonnie
About Bonnie
Bonnie has a limited private practice offering psychodynamic psychotherapy for individuals.
Bonnie teaches the Discipline of Authentic Movement, receiving individual students in her Vermont studio and online. She offers retreats in the USA and Canada, and online internationally. As a faculty member of Circles of Four, she is available as Primary, Retreat, or Supervision teacher. Her teaching practice is grounded in over 40 years of experience as a licensed clinical psychologist offering psychodynamic depth therapy.
In her teaching and psychotherapy practices, Bonnie aspires to foster inner qualities of presence through relational inquiry. She is deeply interested in the cultivation of intuitive knowing, and in the arising of words as a manifestation of emergent consciousness. Her poetry has been published in journals nationally. Whether in stillness or moving, whether listening, speaking or writing, Bonnie longs to participate in the development of a more clear and compassionate Witness Consciousness in our world.
Bonnie is the co-editor of Intimacy in Emptiness: An Evolution of Embodied Consciousness: The Collected Writings of Janet Adler, published by Inner Traditions, October 2022. Please sign up for our Newsletter to receive news of upcoming events as well as interviews, conversations between Janet, the editors, and special guests from related fields of dance, psychology and the healing arts, meditation and consciousness studies – INTIMACY IN EMPTINESS – AN EVOLUTION OF EMBODIED CONSCIOUSNESS